
Fun and Social Fencing Kickstart

Published Tue 11 Aug 2020

Queenslanders it's time for some fun. QFA is kickstarting a program of fun, social fencing events to help our community get back to enjoying ourselves after a few challenging months. Over the course of the remainder of the fencing season we'll be introducing novel events to get our community together. There'll be a variety of team events, introductory activities as well as lots of individual liveliness.

Our first activity will be something for those newer to fencing with the ever popular U14 Foil Friendship Funday on Saturday 22 August, a morning where you'll learn all about competitions and have a go yourself. We're following that up on Saturday 29 August with a Two-Player Lotto Team event. Draw a name from the hat and that's who your teammate will be. Keep checking the Events page of the website and join in the fun.

Don't forget though, we are still under COVID restrictions so hygiene, physical distancing and infection control will all still be in place to keep each of us safe.

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