

Published Tue 16 Jun 2020

Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions outlines which organisations can operate at which stage fo restricitions, and what limits apply on activities and premises. As part of its committment to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for the Queensland fencing community, QFA in collaboration with the Indoor Sports Industry body and relevant government departments has developed its COVID Safe Plan for the safe return of fencing activities.  The Plan provides the framework to govern the general operation of the Association, any facilities it controls, the playing and training behaviour of all members and participants, hygiene and infection control requirements, and the monitoring and reporting of the health of attendees at fencing activities.

Prior to the resumption of activities, each individual sport is required to complete a sport specific COVID safe operational plan to meet the Chief Health Officer’s requirements and noting points approved and outlined in the Indoor Sport Industry COVID Plan. QFA's COVID Safe Plan can be accessed below.

Each individual club is also required to complete a club specific COVID safe operational plan prior to the return of any fencing activities and submit to the QFA secretary for review and approval by the Management Committee. 

This Plan has been updated for increased participants numbers in Stage 3.

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